The advice shared on my website has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Diabetes Regimen

Oh how I HATE Diabetes with a passion.  I was diagnosed with Diabetes in 1998.  Since then my life has been a living HELL, literally.  Sorry for being to forward but if you have Diabetes, please take care of yourself, your feet, and your eyes:(  Here is the Diabetes regimen using Doterra essential oils and supplements that has saved my life!  In December, I was on 1,000 units of insulin and 22 medications a day.  My sugar levels were at 500mg/dl or higher (ERROR).  I have been in many Diabetic comas since 1998. This year is different; I feel grrreat!!! 
Diabetes Regimen
Disclaimer: I use this regimen and it helps ME!

1.      Start Lifelong Vitality Pack ($75):
a.      Alpha CRS+: Take 2 after morning and 1 after evening meal.
b.      xEO Mega: Take 2 after morning and 2 after evening meal.
c.       Microplex VMz: Take 2 after morning and 2 after evening meal.

Purpose: support cellular health, reduces oxidative stress and tissue breakdown, reduces inflammation and slows neuropathy progression.

2.      Essential Oils – Internal
a.      Coriander Oil ($26): Take 5 drops in a capsule twice a day after morning and evening meals.
b.      Cassia Oil ($19): Take 3 drops in a separate capsule twice a day after morning and evening meals.
c.       *Grapefruit Oil ($16): Take 3 drops twice a day in a capsule after morning and evening meals.
                                                              i.      *If patient is on Metformin substitute Lemon Oil ($10):  for Grapefruit Oil. 
d.      Capsules cost $3.50 per 150, a 75 day supply.

Purpose: Coriander stimulates insulin production and opens insulin receptors.  Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) improves liver function, lipid balance.  Grapefruit stimulates lipolysis, reduces appetite.

3.      Essential Oils – Topical for Neuropathy
a.      AromaTouch Oil ($26): apply two drops to calves and two to bottom of feet and massage once a day.  For maximum benefit, pre-heat lower leg with heating rice pad for 5 minutes prior to oil application. 
b.      Use Fractionated Coconut Oil ($16) for lubrication.

Purpose: increase circulation, reduce lactic acid buildup, release tightness, reduce inflammation, improve neuropathy.

Apply the following oils around wound areas twice a day:
   Melaleuca ($19),
   Lavender ($21), and
   Frankincense ($69.75)

Please visit my doTERRA website for more information or JOIN now to get wholesale pricing.


So, how much insulin are you on now? Meds? And what are your blood sugars running?

Thank you so much. My husband has diabetes and I've not tackled it with oils yet. Heads up - your link to your doTERRA website doesn't work. IT says, "Site not found". Thanks for helping us.

Any updates on how this regimen is working?

How did you come up with this regimen I do use Doterra and and Type 2 on Insulin and pills and have been wanting to come up with a routine. This though is a quite pricey one - any suggestions to cut back a little on the costs

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